In summer, forest areas are more exposed to fire risks. Access is regulated by prefectural decree from 1 June to 30 September (may be brought forward or extended depending on weather conditions) to protect walkers and the sites.
The fire risk depends on the expected temperature, precipitation, wind strength, vegetation humidity and sunshine. It is determined by the Prefecture on the basis of weather forecasts.
Access, circulation and parking of vehicles except on roads open to public traffic are prohibited throughout the year.
These danger levels are determined daily by forest massif and by commune. They can be consulted from 6pm. Except in exceptional circumstances, this information is valid for the following day.
Find out before you go hiking :
• By Phone at 0811 20 13 13 (0,06 €/minute)
In the forest, without extinguishing means, a fire can very quickly grow and cause serious damage. You may also find yourself trapped in a fire without quickly finding a protective area.
• Keep calm, panic can make your situation worse.
• Do not approach the flames. If you are surprised by the smoke, breathe through a damp cloth.
• In any case, do not linger to observe the fire. Do not obstruct the roads and verges.
• In the forest, move away from the fire at right angles to the axis of propagation. Get to a protected area as soon as possible.
• On the road, do not go in the direction of the fire and do not interfere with the rescue. Go back the way you came. If this is not possible, do not get out of your vehicle. If you are stuck, look for an open area nearby, close the windows, turn on your headlights and do not turn off the engine.