La Pastorale by Yvan Audouard. Directed by Juliette Subira, "La Pastorale" is created with amateur actors from Saint-Rémieux, young and old, who for one evening take on the costume and role of a Provençal santon.
It promises to Saint-Rémois and visitors a traditional evening of Christmas in Provence. Dress warmly!
History of the Pastorale ...
The term "pastorale" certainly refers to shepherds.
It was widely used in the 17th century to designate the country fashion, linked to a certain return to the countryside to which the elites readily referred.
The Provençal pastorals also refer to the medieval mysteries which already represented, in the theater, scenes inspired by the Bible.
These are theatrical representations, acted and sung, evoking the birth of Christ in Provence, among the little people - and in particular the shepherds.
The first attested performance of this type is that of Antoine Maurel, created in a Marseilles patronage in 1844. Its success was so great that this work was constantly imitated, first in Provençal language - in the first pastorals, the little people speak Provençal while the angels, King Herod and the Magi use French... - and then in French, as is the case in Yvan Audouard's pastoral.
The show takes place on the Place Favier, in the open air, and brings together 60 volunteers. The staging is done by a professional, Juliette Subira.
1st performance at 5:30 pm
2nd performance at 7:30 pm
Free access.
Saturday 21 December 2024.
Two performances :
- 17h30
- 19h30.