Comité des Fêtes SRP

Féria 2024

Traditions and folklore

The Féria de Saint-Rémy-de-Provence is a not-to-be-missed summer event that takes place every year around 15 August. Don't miss this summer event.

Celebrate the Féria 2024 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence:

- 14 AUGUST - Day entertained by the Peña Camargua

• From 3pm: Place de la République
Sale of "Feria 2024" T-shirts for children and adults
• 4pm: Distribution of sweets to participating children
In the presence of the Lady of Saint Rémy and her maid of honour
• 5pm: Departure from Place de la République and arrival at the Barnier Arena
Parade of the Péquélet cart
• 6pm: Boulevard Gambetta
Abrivado / Bandido, led by the Mas de Laudun pony club
• 7pm: Barnier Arena
Saint-Rémois Aperitif
• 8pm: Car park opposite Barnier Arena
Feria meal prepared by Kiki cuisine
• 9.30pm: Chomel - Coinon Municipal Arena
Camargue Race "Trophée de l'avenir", "France Espoirs" Championship
With the bulls: Lierac, J.C Blanc, Poète, La Galére, Gauvin, Gros, Clavel, St Pierre, X Caillan, X Rouquette
Guest raseteurs: J. Martinez, R. Kaous, T. Roux, N. Favier, Allam, Jakupi.
• 10pm: Barnier Arena

- AUGUST 15 - Day entertained by the Peña Lou Carretié

• Morning: Place de la République
Coppas (farmers' market), sale of local produce and parade of the Carreto Ramado "70th anniversary"
In the presence of the Lady of Saint-Rémy and her maid of honour, folk groups, Arlésiennes, fouetteurs and equestrian groups
• 5pm: Boulevards Gambetta, Marceau, Fauconnet
"Souvenir Lucien Vernet" bandido festival with the Manades: Colombet, Conti and Robert H.
• 8pm: Car park opposite the Barnier Arena
Feria meal prepared by Kiki cuisine (pastasciutta, cheese, dessert, wine)
• 10pm: Barnier Arena
• 10pm: Chomel - Coinon Municipal Arena
Camargue Olympics organised by the Comité des Fêtes, with entertainment by the Peña "Lou Carretié"
With the manades: Gillet, Colombet, Conti, Arlatenco, Vitou
For the following competitions: Jumping from Horse to Horse, Jumping from Horse to Bull, Waiting at the shoe, Ferrade in the ring
Prize-giving ceremony in the ring with the Lady of Saint Rémy, her maid of honour and the Arlesiennes.

- 16 AUGUST - Day entertained by Peña Los Caballeros

• 9am: Mas de Laudun
Breakfast in the meadow
• 11am: Departure from Mas de Laudun and arrival at the Barnier Arena
Long abrivado by the Manade S. Conti
• 12pm : Barnier Arena
Bandido by the Manade S. Conti
• 6pm: Place de la République or Bd Gambetta
Encierro by the Manade des Alpilles
• 8pm: Car park opposite the Barnier Arena
Feria meal prepared by Kiki cuisine (bull stew, cheese, dessert, wine)
• 10pm: Barnier Arena
• 10pm: Chomel-Coinon Municipal Arena
Cow with pool by the Comité des Fêtes with the Manade Caillan
Bullfighting games reserved for amateurs, with the swimming pool
Numerous prizes. Two small calves and a shower of sweets for the children

- 17 AUGUST - Day entertained by the Peña Los Picas Tachos

• 10:30am: Town centre
Encierro of 20 bulls by the Manade des Alpilles
• 1pm: Barnier Arena
Saint-Rémois Aperitif
• 5.30pm: Tour of the town
"20th Souvenir Jean Marc Sabatier" Abrivado Festival with the Manades: Colombet, Arlatenco, Alpilles, Gillet, Colombeto
• 7pm: Barnier Arena
Saint-Rémois Aperitif
• 8pm: Car park opposite the Barnier Arena
Feria meal prepared by Kiki cuisine (pistou soup, cheese, dessert, wine)
• 9pm: City tour
Roussataïo - Final bouquet of the Feria with 100 free-roaming horses, mares and foals. Led by Caval'Show riders
• 10pm: Barnier Arena


• 10pm: Chomel-Coinon Municipal Arena
Cow with pool by the Comité des Fêtes with the Manade du Juge
Bullfighting games reserved for amateurs with the swimming pool.
Numerous prizes. Two small calves and a shower of sweets for the children.

Throughout the Féria, parking and traffic will be affected and diversions will be put in place during the events.

  • French Languages spoken
  • Bank/credit card, Cash Payment Methods
  • Parking nearby Parking
Indications Prices

Free access. Except for the Féria meals prepared by Kiki cuisine and the bullfighting events in the Chomel-Coinon municipal arena

Meals: €20

Wednesday 14 August - Camargue bull race "Trophée de l'avenir":
General admission €10 - Children under 12: €5 - FFCC youth card €2 (credit card accepted)

Thursday 15 August - Camargue Olympics:
General admission €10 - Children under 12: €5 (credit card accepted)

Friday 16 August - Cows with pool:
General admission: €5 (credit card accepted)

Sunday 18 August - Cows with pool:
General admission: €5 (credit card accepted).


Indications Openings

From Wednesday 14 to Sunday 18 August 2024.

Subject to favorable weather.

Localisation & Contacts
Place de la République
13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
04 90 92 08 10