For over four centuries, midnight mass has been celebrated in the beautiful Eglise Saint-Vincent according to an unchanging rite.
For more than four centuries, the midnight mass is celebrated in the beautiful church of Saint Vincent according to an unchanging ritual. The Provençal Christmas carols are interpreted to the galoubet and tambourine during the evening gathering. During the mass, the inhabitants of the village alive the living Nativity, surrounded by shepherds, inhabitants of Arles, Mireilles and Baussencs in traditional costume. The offering to the shepherds called the "pastrage takes place then: the Angel has awakened the shepherds to tell them the great news, and the procession of shepherds and shepherdesses, accompanied by drummers, just offer the child Jesus lamb latest.» The Lamb of the offering is lying on the straw, in a small cart all illuminated multicoloured candles, and dragged by a RAM coupled with silk ribbons. The inhabitants of leases joined the Adoration of the shepherds. In the sky shines the star of the Nativity that guided the Magi to the Manger in Bethlehem. It is this same star which appears on the adopted coat of arms at the beginning of 13th century by the Lords of Baux.
Free of charge.
Tuesday 24 December at 11.30 pm.